Forums - MVC1: Red Venom Infinite Show all 24 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- MVC1: Red Venom Infinite ( Posted by Cletus Kasady on 01:27:2002 04:05 PM: MVC1: Red Venom Infinite With MVC1 being emulated recently, I've been playing way too much RV lately. There are just a few things I'm wondering: 1) How do you set up his ground infinite (C.Strong -> C.Fierce) against smaller characters like Wolverine/Spiderman/Chun Li/etc? 2) I remember hearing someone say that "RV can kill anyone by Throwing/Touching them anywhere on the screen"? How does he do this? Posted by DeadlyRaveNeo on 01:27:2002 06:40 PM: Re: MVC1: Red Venom Infinite quote: Originally posted by Cletus Kasady With MVC1 being emulated recently, I've been playing way too much RV lately. There are just a few things I'm wondering: 1) How do you set up his ground infinite (C.Strong -> C.Fierce) against smaller characters like Wolverine/Spiderman/Chun Li/etc? 2) I remember hearing someone say that "RV can kill anyone by Throwing/Touching them anywhere on the screen"? How does he do this? 1.] landing Venom Web super in the corner or near corner guarantees you that ground infinite. (like say, psylocke assist connects, super immediately then just c.short, c.fierce, [c.strong, c.fierce x N] 2.] dunno who said that or where that came from but probably because of the fact that Red Venom can easily chain his attacks, has so many setup for his throw (which starts the combo which may lead into the infinite etc) playing online is a joke though, the lag is crazy, I probably need a T1 connection to play it decently, I have to admit, I'm not used to dialing combos in keyboard but I find it easier to do moves like the Venom infinite for instance (unless you are playing really laggy though which is most of the time in Kaillera ! ) Posted by Cletus Kasady on 01:28:2002 09:42 PM: 1) I know about Venom Web setup, but is there a special delay to AC'ing into a setup (It's so much easier/more practical to land a throw than Venom Web) so that you fall before smaller characters and OTG them? Second, Kaillera isn't that bad once you have a good broadband modem and a joypad (Keyboards suck for SF. ) Course, you live in a town with more people who play, so I can see how it's easier to find people to play against. Posted by arcticninja on 01:28:2002 09:55 PM: Re: MVC1: Red Venom Infinite quote: Originally posted by Cletus Kasady 2) I remember hearing someone say that "RV can kill anyone by Throwing/Touching them anywhere on the screen"? How does he do this? It's due to the fact that you cannot tech hit out of RV's fierce throw. Anytime you get a throw in, it's a free combo/infinite. Posted by omni on 01:28:2002 11:07 PM: Forgive me for I have not played this game in years, but I will attempt to remember what I can. The easiest way to setup the infinite (although they can roll out of it) is with Wolverine in the corner do low roundhouse (they can roll after this), standing roundhouse (otg), jump straight up into the air chain which will setup flying screen, then land and do the ground version. For a non-rollable version just do launch, NORMAL jump - not super jump, so give it a pause before hitting up on the controller and do strong, fierce, roundhouse (add in/take away buttons depending on how close you are to the corner) then when you get to the corner just go into the ground version. Derek Daniels Posted by Spider-Dan on 01:28:2002 11:11 PM: Ground OTG infinite setup (near corner, not rollable): Launch, SJ.jab-short-forward-fierce (as slow as possible while still comboing), land, OTG c.short-c.strong-c.fierce, [c.strong-c.fierce]x N (very difficult to OTG Wolvie) Posted by stripes777 on 01:29:2002 05:31 AM: im the mvc master, not to brag tho. rv has 2 infinites. spider dan has the correct one. there is another one (corner) after u grab, fp to launch them up, dont follow them up, wait 1/4 of a second, then regular jump staright up and press mk. wait 1/8 of a second and press fp, then fk right away, after that keep jumping up normal and press fp, fk, then keep doing it over and over. i actually play the game still, i dunno why u guys say the rv grab is not escapable , but i always be teching that shit, unless there is a difference between mp and fp throw, cus everyone uses the mp throw. hope this helps btw, u say it has been emulated, where can i get it and can i play it online with others, im always looking for some good competition! Posted by JaideN on 01:29:2002 02:41 PM: yea like stripes777 said, where can I get the rom and the emulater for it Posted by stripes777 on 02:12:2002 06:37 AM: where can we play online wth others? Posted by Gen2000 on 02:12:2002 07:45 AM: quote: where can we play online wth others? Yes, you can play against each other online, but like others said, the lag is kinda bad. Its not so bad, that its unplayable, but bad in a sense that the matches couldn't be taken seriously as who is really better in the game. Mostly trapping/chipping is the key to winning online (something Strider and Duo War Machine teams do well). Games that don't have lag though FYI are the SF2 serious, you can HF and Turbo as if you were in the arcade and using controllers/keyboards of course. You're connection would really have to suck if you had lag in the SF2 games online. Btw, used to have the Edge program which was united all the Callus (old CP1 and now CPS2 EMU) players together thru some Napsters like program, it was pretty cool imo for a good match of HF, but seem to kill Edge off though, I think it was a cool program, what happen to it? Posted by Ultima on 02:12:2002 09:53 AM: What about RV's corner "semi-infinite" (as described by Mike Z): strong throw, jab->short->strong->forward xx qcf + strong, mash strong so that you grab them when they land, repeat? Is this legit? I haven't played ths in a while, but I can't recall anyone tech-hitting RV's strong throw. Posted by stripes777 on 02:13:2002 11:33 AM: i am a god at this game, and i still play it. u can tech the rv throw, instead of being stunned, your guy will be able to block when rv tries to launch u into the air. the question is however, where can we play this at? i remember the callus on this site, turbo was fun! Posted by DeadlyRaveNeo on 02:13:2002 06:21 PM: quote: Originally posted by stripes777 i am a god at this game, and i still play it. u can tech the rv throw, instead of being stunned, your guy will be able to block when rv tries to launch u into the air. the question is however, where can we play this at? i remember the callus on this site, turbo was fun! isn't Red Venom's punch throw un-techable? Posted by stripes777 on 02:14:2002 10:09 AM: come on now, i said it twice already, it is techable, not in the way like other throws where u jump out of it, but wen he grabs u tech it, and u will be able to block when he tries to hit u. i just did it again at school today.............. Posted by Spider-Dan on 02:14:2002 09:46 PM: quote: Originally posted by stripes777 come on now, i said it twice already, it is techable, not in the way like other throws where u jump out of it, but wen he grabs u tech it, and u will be able to block when he tries to hit u. And you were just as wrong the first time you said it. Tell me, is there any sort of message saying "TECH HIT" like there is when you tech hit any other throw? That's what I thought. Blocking the followup to the webbing has nothing to do with "tech hitting" or anything of the sort. It's completely unrelated. In conclusion: Normal Venom's punch throw CAN be escaped ("Tech Hit"), and when you do it, they jump away, like EVERY OTHER throw escape in the game. Red Venom's punch throw CANNOT be escaped. FIN Posted by stripes777 on 02:15:2002 10:15 AM: well, thats good enough to be a tech hit for me, whats the most important factor of these people wanting to know if it is tech-able? to know if the follow up punch of rv is blockable right? so for me thats good enough, if u want to prove a point. im down cal poly pomona, they got a machine there, hit the campus up anytime, since it isnt too far from golf land Posted by Spider-Dan on 02:15:2002 05:14 PM: quote: Originally posted by stripes777 well, thats good enough to be a tech hit for me, whats the most important factor of these people wanting to know if it is tech-able? to know if the follow up punch of rv is blockable right? so for me thats good enough, if u want to prove a point. No, it isn't "good enough." It's wrong. If you do a standard throw escape (b_f+throw button at throw timing) you WILL get comboed every time. I absolutely guarantee that if you push one direction and one button (the requirement for every other tech hit) I will combo you 95% of the time (allowing for 5% pure fuck up on my part). In order to block the followup you must mash/struggle. You are telling people a trick to avoid the combo which, if followed, results in death. Instead of doing what they SHOULD be doing (mashing) they will try to "tech hit" the throw and get launched 1328762876 times. Posted by Ultima on 02:16:2002 03:51 AM: quote: Originally posted by Spider-Dan Instead of doing what they SHOULD be doing (mashing) they will try to "tech hit" the throw and get launched 1328762876 times. Okay. I remember mashing out of RV's throw to try and escape the follow-up, though no one played RV as well as I did. Is the follow up to the throw truly escapable by mashing then, or were my opponents just fucking up? Posted by stripes777 on 02:16:2002 01:47 PM: if the opponent mashes, their guy will get out of the grab stun fast enough to block rv's follow up attack.... Posted by Vance on 03:05:2002 02:28 PM: Sorry for bumping this thread all the way back up, but does anyone know if you can theoretically mash so hard that you'll snap out of the web and stick a jab at Red Venom or Venom before he can attack you, or is there a time minimum as to how long you must be inside the web when you are grabbed into one? Posted by stripes777 on 03:15:2002 09:26 PM: no u cannot, when u mash, the most u can get out of it is breaking the grab stun and blocking his follow up launch combo, however this is good enough, as u will find out if u mash right wen rv grabs u all the time, u will be able to block his hits after most of the time! Posted by taiji on 03:16:2002 02:01 AM: hey stripes777, i also goto cal poly, do u play at the gameroom? whats yr teams? r u the guy who picks hulk a lot? Posted by SilverGear on 03:16:2002 02:07 AM: Questions: 1.) Who makes a good partner for Red Venom? 2.) Are there any worthwhile Duo's with RV? 3.) While I can do the standard infinite (C.Strong > C. Fierce) , I recently saw a video that included an extra hit ( S. Jab or S. Strong). What I want to know is , does that S. Strong help keep the opponent in the air or is it added just for extra flash and not worth the extra effort? quote: Originally posted by Ultima What about RV's corner "semi-infinite" (as described by Mike Z): strong throw, jab->short->strong->forward xx qcf + strong, mash strong so that you grab them when they land, repeat? Is this legit? I haven't played ths in a while, but I can't recall anyone tech-hitting RV's strong throw. From what I've seen the "semi-infinite" you listed does indeed work. The only time it didn't work was when my friend began mashing like mad and managed to block when I went to go hit him. Outside of that it worked 95% of the time. Posted by stripes777 on 03:17:2002 10:18 AM: hi there, no im not the hulk guy, lol. my main guy is wolverine and shadow lady All times are GMT. The time now is 12:54 AM. Show all 24 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.